“My favorite thing about the Kolbe Concept is the ability to help people strive to be their true self… it is so powerful! Also, the data to predict success in roles and organizations.” – Cheryl Kerrigan, HR Director, Eloqua
“Finally, a concept that links personal dynamics to organizational patterns.” Ramon G. Corrales, Ph.D., Family Institute of Kansas City
“Kolbe instinctive patterns can help a manager put people in the organization in roles that either help the organization change more effectively or help it maintain its core ideology more effectively.” Jerry Porras, Author, “Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies,” business professor, Stanford University.
“Kathy Kolbe understands that the greatest disability is in not having the freedom to be yourself.” James Brady, former White House Press Secretary
“Kathy Kolbe has produced a fascinating and insightful work that adds a rich dimension of understanding to the critical task of job performance and individual success. It should be invaluable in helping to direct one’s own efforts as well as directing the efforts of others.” Steven C. Wheelwright, Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration
“Kathy Kolbe is the most important person on the planet for what everyone needs most: the permission and the freedom to be who they uniquely are.” - Dan Sullivan, Founder and President, The Strategic Coach Inc.
"Kolbe provides a catalyst that can help you evaluate what you are doing, how you are doing it and whether you should be doing it at all." --- The L.A. Times
“Kathy Kolbe is brilliant. She is one of the few people who can explain that each of us has gifts and geniuses often not recognized by the educational system. Her information is refreshing and enlightening.” - Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
“Thanks to Kathy's work (and centuries of psychological work on conation), I've stopped asking others to match my instinctive style. I no longer expect squirrels to swim and otters to climb trees." As a result, I'm better able to support myself, my children, and everyone else I know.” - Martha Beck, Oprah.com